Things That Aren’t Hoped

To be make yourself what you lack from

2 min readDec 23, 2023
Photo by raquel raclette on Unsplash

In shadows cast by fleeting dreams,

That you onced hoped for,

A realization softly gleams.

The echoes of hope now dimmed,

As reality’s truth is slowly trimmed.

Once vibrant visions, a tapestry of desire,

Comes with thoughts that,

Now unravel, consumed by a silent fire.

The colors fade, hopes dissipate,

Leaving behind an uncertain fate.

The whispers of optimism, once so clear,

That makes yourself listening to be,

Now drowned in the silence of a bitter tear.

For in this moment, clarity dawns,

And hope’s illusion quietly spawns.

The journey shifts, a path unknown,

As illusions of hope are overthrown.

Yet in this awakening, strength is found,

In the fragments of dreams, on solid ground.

So let reality be a canvas bare,

Brushstrokes of truth, a burden to bear.




just a flower full of wonders. Trying to self - resolution for my boredom